Akel Engineering Group is a leader in hydraulic model development and calibration, as well as comprehensive master planning for wastewater collection systems. Our proven methodology and approach to model development and calibration have efficiently aided our clients in accurately predicting flow conditions within the wastewater collection system, and have assisted in the development of priorities for capital improvement projects. Additionally, our services in infiltration and inflow analysis have effectively supported in the evaluation of rehabilitation and replacement programs and have given quantifiable results reported in customized graphics. Our integrated master planning services allow our clients to move in parallel across their wet infrastructure system when projecting improvements.


We strive to meet the individual needs of our clients and our services in wastewater collection include:

  • Integrated Master Planning
  • Infiltration and Inflow Analysis and Studies
  • Flow Coefficient Analysis and Projections
  • Hydraulic Model Development and Calibration
  • Hydraulic Modeling and Analysis
  • Fully Integrated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data
  • Construction Phasing and Triggers
  • Capital Improvement Planning
  • Risk and Condition Assessment

Representative Projects: Wastewater

2019 Sanitation System Master Plan, Risk and Condition Assessment

Coachella Valley Water District

  • Develop a comprehensive land use planning document with a nexus to realistic population projections.
  • Update the InfoSWMM whole-system model to include recent developments and flow estimates.
  • Evaluate septic conversions for priority planning areas.
  • Provide flow projections for the buildout service area, with a flow nexus to population at the
    2045 planning horizon.
  • Document improvements to service future growth, with planning triggers consistent with the horizon year.
  • Perform a condition and risk assessment for priority pipelines in and near the Whitewater Channel.
  • Develop a prioritized capital improvement program.
  • Document the project findings in the 2018 Sanitation System Master Plan report.

2019 Wastewater Collection System Hydraulic Model,
2021 Wastewater Collection System Renewal and Replacement Plan

City of Fresno

  • Diurnal flow patterns from AMI-based water meter records
  • Migrating the hydraulic model to a GIS-based modeling platform
  • Integrating the existing CCTV program into a condition and risk assessment software
  • Initiating a rehab and replacement program2045 planning horizon.
  • Update the hydraulic model to incorporate diurnal patterns based on actual water meter usage
    and utilizing a return to sewer ratio based on flow monitoring data.
  • Calibrated the hydraulic model to dry and wet weather flows.
  • Evaluated large users and integrated their flow separately into the hydraulic model.
  • Provided on-call hydraulic modeling support for pump around operations, development studies, and pre-design needs.
  • Initiated the development of an InfoAsset Planner Model to evaluate the condition of the Wastewater Collection System. This model is being used in a City-wide Rehabilitation and Replacement Program.
  • Integrated an updated costing model into the InfoAsset Planner software.

2021 Wastewater Collection System Master Plan

City of Yakima, Washington

  • Update sewer system planning and design criteria.
  • Develop and calibrate a hydraulic model to EPS in Innovyze’s InfoSWMM based on the most current GIS and recently completed survey data.
  • Allocate sewer flows based on developed land use flow factors.
  • Project future flows through the Urban Growth Boundary based on population projections, accounting for water conservation.
  • Infiltration and inflow evaluation for sewer collection system.
  • Evaluate the capacity of the sewer facilities to service existing users.
  • Recommend improvements necessary to mitigate existing deficiencies and to service future growth.
  • Develop a capital improvement program with a short-term, intermediate-term and long-term phasing.
  • Perform cost sharing analysis for each recommended project between existing users and future developments.
  • Prepare master plan report