Akel Engineering Group is at the forefront of innovation and leadership in the hydraulic modeling and master planning community. We have effectively served clients throughout California in the water resources and water planning fields. We continually strive to provide the highest quality products for clients, while ensuring our documents “live” as a sustainable resource to be used in planning future improvements. Additionally, we provide integrated master planning services, allowing our clients to move in parallel across their wet infrastructure system when projecting improvements.


Our services are customized to the individual needs of our clients and include:

  • Integrated Master Planning
  • Urban Water Management Planning
  • Water Supply Assessments
  • Water Criteria Development
  • Water Demand Development and Forecasting
  • Hydraulic Model Development and Calibration
  • Fully Integrated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data and Modeling
  • Water Quality Analysis
  • Pumping, Storage, and Transmission Main Capacity Analysis
  • Water System Evaluation
  • Capital Improvement Planning
  • Water Supply Reliability Studies
  • Surge Analysis
  • Risk and Condition Assessment

Representative Projects: Domestic Water

2019 Renewal & Replacement Plan, Hydraulic Modeling Development and Ongoing Project Studies

City of Fresno

  • Asset Inventory for Pipelines. GIS-Based development of Distribution System Inventory
  • Asset Inventory of Supply Wells and Treatment Plant. Asset Inventory for 246 supply wells and NESWTF.
  • Development of R&R Framework
  • Optimizing limited available funds
  • Moving from reactive replacement to proactive replacement (replace infrastructure at the right time, not when it fails)
  • Justifying annual financial investments
  • Maintaining consistent level of service
  • Reducing infrastructure life cycle costs
  • Update the existing steady state hydraulic model facilities which included 269 wells.
  • Analyze the existing and projected water demands based on recent water use trends.
  • Evaluate and recommend the sizing, alignment, and interconnections of the proposed regional transmission mains with the existing system to covey water from the new 80 mgd SWTP.
  • Prepare the hydraulic model for use in a genetic algorithm optimization analysis.
  • Develop approximately 150 demand patterns based on water conservation and geographical water use trends from smart meter data.
  • Develop and calibrate a hydraulic model to EPS using Innovyze’s Infowater and based on the most current GIS data.

2020 Water System Master Plan and Ongoing Project Studies

West Valley Water District

  • Update water system planning and design criteria.
  • Evaluate the existing and proposed land use over 6 differing jurisdictions
  • Develop and calibrate a hydraulic model to EPS using Innovyze’s Infowater
    and based on the most current GIS data.
  • Evaluate the capacity of the water facilities to service existing users.
  • Perform a detailed storage analysis and water supply analysis for each pressure zone.
  • Document a mass balance to provide District staff a means to understanding how water is conveyed
    throughout the system.
  • Recommend improvements necessary to mitigate existing deficiencies and to service future growth.
  • Develop a Capital Improvement Program with a short-term, intermediate-term and long-term phasing.
  • Perform cost sharing analysis for each recommended project between existing users and future developments.
  • Prepare master plan report