Akel Engineering Group is a valued leader in the planning, modeling, and optimizing of recycled and non-potable water infrastructure. Combining the scheduling of deliveries with available non-potable infrastructure, our approach allows for the optimization of the system to maximize deliveries to potential customers, while ensuring a sustainable resource for our clients. Customized graphics and in-depth hydraulic modeling allow for an easy to use product that enhances the ability to manage the recycled water system, while continuing to pursue other opportunities to utilize this valuable resource. Our integrated approach also evaluates the benefit of reduced stress on the potable water system, and evaluates siting options for potential decentralized systems.


Our services for recycled and non-potable water planning include:

  • Integrated Master Planning
  • Hydraulic Model Development and Calibration
  • Hydraulic Model Analysis and Evaluation
  • Schedule Optimization
  • Pumping and Storage Capacity Analysis
  • Transmission Main Capacity Analysis
  • Fully Integrated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data
  • Construction Phasing and Triggers
  • Capital Improvement Planning
  • Surge Analysis
  • Risk and Condition Assessment

Representative Projects: Recycled

2015 South County Recycled Water System Master Plan Update

Santa Clara Valley Water District

  • Perform a market assessment
  • Establish performance and design criteria.
  • Develop project-related costs by alternative for decision making purposes.
  • Prepare report to document cost and evaluation findings
  • Develop distribution system alternatives to maximize deliveries to the largest potential users.

2020 Recycled Water Master Plan

Marina Coast Water District

  • Update planning and design criteria.
  • Develop water demands and sewer flows, correlated to population and land use. Document recycled water demands.
  • Project future demands and flows through the Service Area based on population projections, accounting for water conservation.
  • Evaluate growth scenarios and document recycled water uses, supply and feasibility of implementation.
  • Develop a Capital Improvement Program with an intermediate-term and long-term phasing.
  • Document the planned expansion of the recycled water program based on water rights from the Monterey OneWater Facility, and including a groundwater replenishment system.
  • Develop the Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage, and Recycled Water Master Plans and Urban Water Management Plan.
  • Develop water and sewer capacity fees based on the capital improvement programs.