Akel Engineering Group provides exceptional hydraulic modeling services and master plan development for stormwater infrastructure. Our approach to hydraulic modeling allows us to optimize stormwater drainage systems and effectively predict required improvements to meet the latest industry standards in stormwater collection and disposal. We are proud to partner with Dr. Jack Humphrey of Hydmet Inc. to provide comprehensive hydraulic and hydrologic planning services. In keeping with our integrated master planning approach, we are able to assist our clients in moving in parallel across their wet infrastructure system when projecting improvements.


Our services for stormwater drainage planning include:

  • Integrated Master Planning
  • Hydraulic Model Development
  • Hydraulic Model Analysis and Evaluation
  • Pumping and Water Storage Facility Evaluation
  • Fully Integrated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data
  • Construction Phasing and Triggers
  • Capital Improvement Planning
  • Risk and Condition Assessment

Representative Projects: Stormwater

2021 Stormwater Collection System Master Plan

City of Yakima, Washington

  • Develop hydraulic and hydrology models using FLO-2D
  • Project future flows through the Urban Growth Boundary based on
    Developed large-scale and local hydrology models.
  • Project future flows through the Urban Growth Boundary based on population projections, accounting for water conservation.
  • Evaluate the capacity of the storm facilities to service existing users.
  • Recommend improvements necessary to mitigate existing deficiencies and to service future growth.
  • Develop a capital improvement program with a short-term, intermediate-term and long-term phasing.
  • Perform cost sharing analysis for each recommended project between existing users and future developments.
  • Integrate the County System and the Canal conveyance for Stormwater
  • Prepare master plan report

2018 Integrated Infrastructure Master Plans – Risk and Condition Assessment

City of Morgan Hill

  • Update planning and design criteria.
  • Develop water demands and sewer flows, correlated to population and land use.
  • Project future demands and flows through the Urban Growth Boundary based on population projections, accounting for water conservation. Alternate projections accounts for a future potential recycled water system.
  • Document infiltration and inflow from flow monitoring and from condition assessment information.
  • Evaluate growth scenarios and document recycled water uses, supply and feasibility of implementation.
  • Develop a Capital Improvement Program with a short-term, intermediate-term and long-term phasing.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of implementing recycled water use via construction of a scalping plant or importing recycled water from Gilroy or San Jose.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a gray water program.
  • Develop the Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage, and Recycled Water Master Plans and Urban Water Management Plan.